
Honeytiger is a Philadelphia indie-rock garage-pop duo. Their debut album "Half Clean" was released in 2016. Listen to Honeytiger's music right here at honeytigerband.com or at honeytiger.bandcamp.com for free download.


Sinewy vines of smoke
And your tender heart left alone
I'll breathe in your soul without coughing
Aw you poor broken thing
You're splintered and opening
The swell of neurosis rings and softens

You're still the same sweetheart, no?
With the slightest bit fainter glow
Let me just loosen your hold for a second
How do you take your medicine?
Two-tone pill or blue coat gin?
A warm drug and a warm lift beckon

Look behind
The exit sign hangs right above the door
Mesmerized by colored light
Your feet stick to the floor

The busts of your ancestors
Stare back from their shelves unheard
All of their buried pearls with the rotten
Hello oblivion
So nice and welcoming
Carry my numbing limbs
Don't drop them

Look behind
The exit sign hangs right above the door
Mesmerized by colored light
Your feet stick to the floor